How to Add Negative Keywords To Your Campaign

Adding negative keywords are an essential part of managing any Google AdWords campaign.

The problem is knowing how to add them and what keywords you should add.

We cover off what type of keywords you should add to your adwords campaigns in a previous article.

However, in this article, we will focus on how to add negative keywords. And in a future article, we will be covering off how to mine your search queries report for negative keywords.

You can add negative keywords at an account level, a campaign level, or an ad group level.

To add keywords at a campaign level or adgroup level, you need to navigate to Keywords tab at the campaign level.


Scroll down till you see Negative Keywords and click on the little cross.


This will open up two boxes – the box on the left allows you to add keywords at the ad group level while the box on the right enables you to add negative keywords at the campaign level.


Choose whether you want to add your negative keywords at the ad group or keyword level and select the add button.

If you select the ad group level, a box will appear where you can select the ad group and add your negative keywords.



If you select the campaign level, you will see options to add keywords at a keyword level or alternatively you can create lists of negative keywords which means you can share the negative keywords. Clicking of the add keywords button will mean you see a similar box to the one above.

However, selecting the “add keyword lists” option will take to you the shared library. This will enable you to create lists of negative keywords that you can share across multiple campaigns. Using this option will save you time when you start creating new campaigns.


In this option, you give need to give your keyword list a name and then add your negative keywords.


When you are ready to access your shared library of negative keyword lists, all you need to do is navigate to the shared library section in the bottom left hand of your screen.


Then select Campaign Negative Keywords in the left hand column or in the main content area as highlighted.
