The Power Of Infographics


If you are looking for a powerful web marketing strategy and you want to something a little bit differently than just link building and pay per click advertising, why not consider creating Infographics.

Broadening your marketing activities will pay dividends.

It’s no secret that visual graphics and content is more appealing than text. All you have to do is look at the rising popularity of Pinterest or on Facebook.

Photos on Facebook tend to have more comments.  Quality Meme’s and Infographics are going viral and are being shared on the web with amazing speed.

It’s easy to see the appeal, Infographics can help put complex data in a simple easy to read format that is visually appealing.

Why Infographics?

Creating strong infographics will mean that other people will want to share your content with their friends and this can help increase visitor traffic to your website.

Google are increasing favouring content that is shared on social networks – the more it is shared the more likely Google will favour your website in the search results.

Creating compelling infographics is a smart strategy to help you rank well in search engines.

Make sure you follow some basic rules.

  1. Infographics need to add value and provide interesting content.
  2. They must be able to represent quick facts and stats at a glance
  3. They must connect with your target market
  4. Infographics are not about you – they might appeal to your ego but it doesn’t mean they will appeal to everyone else
  5. Make sure your infographic has a “what’s in it for me” element