Why Your SEO Strategy Needs to Evolve

Search engine optimisation has changed significantly over the past few years. So much so, that old SEO techniques have put many businesses at risk.

This has lead many to claim that SEO is dead.  The fact is, SEO still exists and it still is important – it’s just the form of SEO has changed.

What has changed is that it is harder for people to trick search engines into making them rank. Old techniques no longer work. Below is a recording of a webinar we ran that uncovers what has changed and how you can succeed today.


SEO now encompasses other forms of marketing and a customised strategy is required for different business. Different approaches are required for local business versus businesses that serve a much wider geographical area. Key points in the webinar are:

  • What has changed
  • The history of SEO and why what worked in the past no longer works now (this helps gives context to what works today)
  • The strategies you need to adopt today to future proof your business
  • How to protect your business from risk
  • New metrics to measure success

A copy of the presentation is included  below: